Of the millions of possible permutations of a card deck, the LumberLoon is among the few most formidable battle decks out there. The card boasts a strong win condition, potent defence and multiple secondary win conditions. This makes the LumberLoon one of the best all rounded card decks there is.
The strong points boasted by the LumberLoon card also means that its bad news for you if you find yourself facing it on the battlefield. The main condition, Lumberjack coupled with Ballon, is a formidable combination. Once dropped at the edge of the border, it can easily take out one or more towers at once. The rage spell left behind by Lumberjack propels the Balloon to your Princesses courtyard. This coupled with the death damage dealt by the Balloon after it dies, almost always manages to take out a tower. In this article we will teach you how to counter this LumberLoon push against your towers.
Before we go ahead and lay out the counters to the LumberLoon, let’s familiarise ourselves with its strengths and weaknesses.
The LumberLoon deck comprises Lumberjack, Ice Golem, Bowler, Balloon, Ice Spirits, Minions, Skeleton Army and Inferno Tower. Where the Lumberjack and Balloon serve as the primary win condition. Bowler serves the role of the Tank. Inferno Tower and Skeleton Army serve as defensive units and the rest are kiting units and support/spam units.
Now that we have familiarised ourselves with the roles of the cards in the deck, the question remains….
How to counter LumberLoon?
Of the millions of possible permutations of a card deck, the LumberLoon is among the few most formidable battle decks out there. The card boasts a strong win condition, potent defence and multiple secondary win conditions. This makes the LumberLoon one of the best all rounded card decks there is.

The strong points boasted by the LumberLoon card also means that its bad news for you if you find yourself facing it on the battlefield. The main condition, Lumberjack coupled with Ballon, is a formidable combination. Once dropped at the edge of the border, it can easily take out one or more towers at once. The rage spell left behind by Lumberjack propels the Balloon to your Princesses courtyard. This coupled with the death damage dealt by the Balloon after it dies, almost always manages to take out a tower. In this article we will teach you how to counter this LumberLoon push against your towers.
Before we go ahead and lay out the counters to the LumberLoon, let’s familiarise ourselves with its strengths and weaknesses.
The LumberLoon deck comprises Lumberjack, Ice Golem, Bowler, Balloon, Ice Spirits, Minions, Skeleton Army and Inferno Tower. Where the Lumberjack and Balloon serve as the primary win condition. Bowler serves the role of the Tank. Inferno Tower and Skeleton Army serve as defensive units and the rest are kiting units and support/spam units.
Now that we have familiarised ourselves with the roles of the cards in the deck, the question remains….
How to counter LumberLoon?
The trick to counter the Lumber Loom is to kite the Lumberjack and engage it and the Balloon separately. By doing so, we are aiming to minimise the rage effect left by the Lumberjack once it is killed. Meanwhile, it adds to your benefits if you can manage to destroy the Balloon far from the tower. This will minimise the death damage taken by the tower.
Hence the advancing LumberLoon combination can be countered in three steps.
Step I. Kite the Lumberjack using one of your troops. An Ice Golem is a pretty good choice for that. Make sure that the Lumberjack follows it.

Step II. Wait for the Lumberjack to get sufficiently far from the BalloonCounter the Balloon using one of your support cards. Swarming cards like Minions Hordes and Bats are some of the good cards that can get the job done.

Step III. Let the supporting cards and your Princess Towers counter the Lumberjack.

That’s it. You have successfully countered one of the most successful win conditions in the game. Congratulations!
Now, there are other more effective ways to counter the LumberLoon offensive. For eg. The Rocket-Spirit combination is a great counter and is fairly simple too. And another alternative approach to the three step counter mentioned above is worth mentioning as well. In this alternative approach you kite the Balloon using tower cards instead of the Lumberjack. Now this is only possible if you have one of the many tower cards in your deck. This exploits the Balloons inherited tendency to attack towers only. After you have successfully kited the Balloon, follow the steps 2 and 3 as mentioned above. If executed properly, you should be able to take the LumberLoon offensive fairly easily. Happy Clashing!