Want to beat your higher level clan mates? Or simply want to get better at playing clash royale? In any case we got you covered. Here on clash realm you can find answers to all the questions you have about clashing and in this article we’ll be discussing some things that you can do right now to get better at clash royale. So without further delay let’s get right into it.
Deck selection
If you’re a new player DO NOT switch between decks and try to win in main battles. Pick one deck and focus on mastering it. You can go to free challenges or ask your clan mates for practice battles to find a deck suitable for you.
Card level up
Now this one might sound simple but leveling up every card ever is not the best idea. What you should do is level up the cards in your deck first then move on to other cards.
Prioritize the cards in your deck for level up above any other cards. The best ways to get cards for level up are either from shop or card requests. You get free things from shop every day also make sure to put your card requests to good use.

Anyone can say anything but the matter of fact is you can’t get experience without actually playing battles. Now you may ask how we can play without losing trophies, the simplest solution to that is challenges and friendly battles.

Challenges refresh very often and you’ll most likely have a free challenge almost all the time so make use of that to improve your skills.

Friendly battles are another good way of practicing and keeping in touch with your clan mates.
Extra tips
– Know when is it okay to take damage and not counter.
As you can see in this battle my opponent sends a hog and a musketeer.

After using lightning I knew I have elixir advantage so I didn’t counter the hog, even though I knew it will get my tower’s HP low but instead I went for a big push and actually got a tower.
– Know when you’re screwed and improvise.
This one might sound dumb but you need to realize the situation. This helps in not wasting elixir and thinking ahead. For example if opponent throws elite barbarians while I have a tornado to counter them, I’d let them reach my tower then pull them to king instead of helplessly trying to pull them back.
– Try to bypass enemy counters.
If you’re using air cards try making your enemy waste all the cards they have to hit air troops then go for a push. Knowing what you enemy can use will always put you a step ahead.
– Know when pushing is a bad idea.
If you try to push with a balloon and your opponent counters it with something you can counter but it’ll cost a lot of elixir, don’t go for it. You’ll end up losing more elixir and will be deficient throughout the match.
– Opponent’s side of arena is a big NO.
If you’re trying to counter a card make sure it’s in your side of arena otherwise your cards will keep getting attacked by enemy towers and will lose HP real fast. Don’t fight enemy troops on their side of arena unless you have a tank card like lava hound or giant or something like that taking hits.
These are all the tips we have for you; hopefully they helped you at least a bit in your clash journey. Make sure to have a lot of fun and keep clashing!