Gems are the scarcest resource in clash of clans. Like every game with in app purchase gems are the universal currency that you can use to buy other resources like elixir, gold and dark elixir. Gem boxes are the best way to get gems in clash of clans for free.
Hello everyone, in this article you will learn 3 tips on getting gem box in your village. These tricks are proven very efficient and might give you gem box really fast. Keep in mind that not all given tricks will work for everyone, so try them one by one and see what works for you, now without further delay let’s get started.
1 – Obstacles
Keeping stones and other obstacles is one of the best ways to get gem box.

All you have to do is not remove any obstacles like trees, stones and bushes. It will greatly boost your chances of getting gem box.
As for how long you need to keep them varies but 3 to 5 days are a minimum in most cases. If you still don’t get gem box, move on to next step.
One more thing, gem box won’t spawn if you have 40 obstacles. So make sure to remove extra obstacles to give space for gem box to spawn.
2 – Dead enemies
When your village gets attacked and enemies die during the attack, they turn into graves.

Make sure to not click on those graves. Just like keeping obstacles, keeping enemy graves also boost your chances of getting gem box.
It is recommended that you use both first trick and second trick together to get best chances of getting gem box. Once you get gem box follow third trick to continue getting gem boxes.
3 – Remove gem box trick
This trick needs you to have a gem box already. Once you have the gem box, remove it. When one second is remaining, cancel the process.

Once you cancel the process wait for builder to get near his hut. Right before the builder enters his hut start removing the gem box again and this time do not stop the process and let it get removed.
By doing this trick you will get very high chances of getting gem box very frequently.
Extra tips
- Do not keep the gem box in your base try removing it as soon as possible.
- Gem box spawn rate increases 35% when your gem count is 70, 170, 1700….
- Follow all three tricks for best chances of getting gem box.
- Make sure to not have more than 40 obstacles.
- Avoid using online gem simulators.
With this I hope these tips help you getting gem box frequently. That’s it from us for now make sure to enjoy clashing and have fun!