Level 14 is the maximum level that a card can reach in clash royale, Right? Wrong! Technically you’re not wrong since once you level up a card to level 14 it won’t level up again.
What if I tell you that you can make it level 15 without actually leveling it up? That’s exactly what we’ll be doing in this article, so without further delay let’s get right into it.
Remember that level 15 will be temporary and won’t change your card level to 15 forever. It’s a trick which works 100% and its legal so don’t worry about getting banned or anything like that. To get a level 15 card you need to do the following.
Keep the card in your deck
The card you want to level up must be in your deck. It doesn’t matter if it’s level 15, all you need to do is keep that card in your deck and move on to next step.
Level up to 14
This trick mainly involves giving your card an extra level so if your card is 14 it’ll level up to 15. If you try doing this trick in challenges like double elixir challenge where all of your cards are standardized to level 11 it’ll take your card to level 12 instead of 15.
Keep one empty slot
You must have an empty slot in your deck in order for this to work. You need to get mirror card in that slot and level it up to 14 as well. Mirror card is exactly what we’ll be using to perform this trick.
Position your card
You need to use your card while mirror is in rotation. Mirror will show the image of your card once you use it and you’ll be able to use that card again this time it’ll be one level higher.

Here you can see I’m playing a challenge so my cards are standardized to level 11. But right when I used mirror, the card that I mirrored (Mega Minion) leveled up to 12. Same thing happens when you do it with level 14 cards they get turned into a level 15 card.
The way it works is, whenever you use a card while mirror is in rotation, that card gets mirrored. Meaning if you use mirror after using a mega minion the new mega minion will be one level above the previous one. It works on all cards you can level up common, rare, epic and legendary all sort of cards.
Now you can use a level 15 card with no risk of getting banned. That’s all from this article. Hope you learned something new, stay tuned for more and keep clashing!