Is this how your base looks like and you’re out of gold and wood to upgrade anything? Well if that’s so we’ve got the perfect solution for you. In this article we’ll be covering how to level up as fast as possible in boom beach. So without further delay let’s get right into it.
Upgrade order
The order you level up your base and army is extremely important to progressing faster, the resources in boom beach are rarer when you compare it to other supercell games. For example gold in this game plays huge role in almost everything you do but in other games let’s say clash royale all you can do with it is level up your cards. The most important thing you need to focus on is your offense.

The fact is when your base gets attacked it’ll most likely be destroyed so there’s no point in spending on defensive buildings. Just make sure to unlock them and put them on your base don’t upgrade them till you’ve upgraded all important things. What you should focus on is your troops and offense in general.

So level up your landing craft and everything that can help you in your raids.
After offense the buildings you need to focus on are first of all your headquarters.

Unlike most supercell games rushing your main building is actually good here in boom beach. If you keep leveling up your town hall and ignore everything else in clash of clans it may cause you problems in late game but no on boom beach. So level up your headquarter to unlock more levels of other buildings and new buildings.

After that you can focus on radar to expand your area and then your vault. Radar will help you find more bases to attack and since we’re focusing more on offense it’ll ultimately help you a lot in a long run. Vault on the other hand is an all-rounder for storage so make sure to max it out as fast as possible.
For troops, focus on the ones that you use the most. At max you can level up 2 troops that you know you’ll be using and spend the remaining resources on something else. Don’t waste any resource on troops that you’ll never use. The whole point of this is to save resources and use them on things that are more important.
As said before offense is the best way to level up faster in boom beach so attacking more is the best way to do it.

While you’re new clear the NPC bases as fast as you can and then go for other players bases. So make sure to attack as much as you can and level up the things mentioned above.
If you ever consider purchasing anything in game make sure to go for instant train.
Most people go for either gems or extra builder but the problem with either is once you reach a certain point they’ll become useless. For example you can’t use your extra builder if you don’t have any resources and well gems are limited and will run out eventually. Instant train allows your army to be ready instantly. It helps you attack way faster and get resources much quicker so definitely go for it if you’re willing to spend money.
With that said I’ll wrap up this article, hope you enjoyed and learned something new. Make sure to have a lot of fun and keep being awesome.