Growing your village faster than anyone and then showing it off is the best feeling ever. It goes without saying how repetitive and plain clash of clans can feel so doing same things just to level up might get boring. Lucky for you, we’ve broken down the most important things you can do to level up fast.
In this article we’ll be discussing everything you can do to level up faster in clash of clans. If you find some of them boring just skip it and you’ll still have enough things to do to level up fast. With that said let’s get right into it.
Having as many builders as possible is the best way for you to level up your village.
At start you’ll be given 2 builders for almost free after that getting 3rd and 4th builder isn’t too hard all you need to do is complete 2 achievements for that.

Sweet victory achievement gets you 450 gems for reaching 1250 trophies. Do that and remove a few obstacles and you’d have enough gems for a 3rd builder.

For 4th builder you can push trophies from your builder base. Once you reach 3000 trophies you’ll get 1000 gems. That’s enough for 4th builder.
Upgrade preference
While upgrading your village first of all focus on your collectors.

Elixir collector, gold mines and dark elixir drills produce a lot of resources for free so make sure to level them up first after that go for army.

Army plays a huge role in allowing you to raid bases you want, so go for it first.
After army go for defense and at the end go for walls.
Single player battles
As a starter focus more on single player battles. The loot they provide is quite decent and enough to get you troops leveled up.

Another benefit of single player battles is that you don’t lose shield when you do them. That plays a big role in progressing in general. Normal attacks cost shield and once you have no shield your village gets attacked and as a result you lose both resources and trophies.
Despite being ignored so much practice battles is one of the most important and best ways to get a ton of loot.

Good thing is it doesn’t even cost an army, so make sure to complete all practice battles.
Challenges give rewards that normally would cost hundreds of gems each.

Other than gold and elixir completing challenges can get you spells and books for upgrading heroes, boosting army and research time. Challenges refresh every season so make sure to complete them before season ends.
With that, now you know how to progress fast in clash of clans. You can follow all the things mentioned to get the best results. That’s all from this article make sure to enjoy your time in game and keep clashing!