Having a good base is very essential in Clash of Clans. A good base helps you protect your gold and elixir, and also protect your trophies. Furthermore, when you can design a very good war base, it will help you defend against war attacks, finally helping your clan to win. And when you finally win a war, the bonus is grand as you can imagine.
So, how would you design an excellent base, be it a home village base or a war base, or a builder base?
Designing a base can consume a lot of time, especially when you are at a higher town hall level. Moreover, your designs may not function very well to your need. And, that is where this article gets useful.
How can you copy Clash of Clans Bases using links?
You can use the ready-to-use designs for your base. The base layouts are easily available online on different websites and Youtube video descriptions.
Go through the following steps to copy a base design:
Step 1: Know your need
Before you copy any base design, you should know what you are looking for.
Are you looking for a main home village base or a war base or a builder base?
Bases can work differently for different purposes. So what purpose does your base need to fulfill?
A defensive base can help you collect more trophies and minimize damage percentage during war attacks. Or perhaps you want to protect your resources. Maybe, you want some kind of hybrid base that works well for several purposes.
Therefore, firstly you should figure out what kind of layout you need.
Step 2: Search base links online
You can go to a search engine such as Google and search for a base design you prefer. While searching you can include town hall level and type of the base too.

For instance, you may search “town hall 9 best war base link”. This search will show you possible websites and video links related to the best town hall level 9 bases for war purposes.
Or perhaps you would like to search “best trophy pushing bases for town hall 11 base”.
So, search for the type of base you are looking for.
You might find useful stuff in the “People also ask” section too.
Step 3: Use a link you like
You can go to one of the websites that have good Clash of Clans base designs. Usually, you will see a list of base links along with a picture sample. You can choose a link you like.
Some sites such as clashchamps.com also allow you to filter the search where you can define your town hall level, base type, etc.

But, if you are going through a Youtube video, the base links are usually included in the description. There are some good videos where features of the bases are reviewed and compared too.
You can watch a video and choose a layout. The layouts can be copied through links that are generally given in the description.
Step 4: Paste the layout
Once you click or tap on a base link, it will direct you to “Layout Editor” mode on the game.
You might see a confirmation page before the link leads you to the game. You have to say that you have Clash of Clans on your device to get to the Layout Editor mode.

After the Layout Editor mode opens, you can paste the design on one of the boxes. And you can also activate the layout if you would like the layout to take effect from that point onwards.

However, if you have been using decorations on your previous layout, the copied design cannot be pasted wholly. So, it is better if you remove the decorations from your layout before pasting the copied design, and later you can put back the decoration.
In this way, you can copy Clash of Clan base designs to your layout.
Why use base links in Clash of Clans?
You don’t have to bother too much to design a base if you can use a ready-made base. Moreover, you can focus on the attack or other strategies.
Mostly when you have a higher town hall, you have lots of building in the base. It takes a good deal of time to design a base. So, using a base from a link is a shortcut method.
Usually, the bases are designed to meet certain strategy and if the design meets your strategy then the base layout will serve you well. That is why studying and analyzing a base design before copying it is very important. Furthermore, you can modify some placements if you think the modifications will make your base better.
Are there disadvantages to using base links?
There may be some downsides to using base links.
The first thing is you are playing by other’s strategy if you copy a base layout. Some players want to make their own strategy and play the game.
Besides it, your opponents may be able to read your strategy and attack accordingly if they had studied the type of your base layout already through the same video or blog.
That’s why I would recommend you to give your touch to the copied base. A few good modifications can make your base unique and strategically sound.